Matti från Hietamiemi
Terra Incognita or The Riddle of steel
An introduction Iron age North Scandinavia and the discovery of early iron and steel production
Matti från Hietaniemi
How-to-Iron age (before the vikings)
An introduction to iron age (and late roman) dress and accessories with some hopefully helpful advice on how to get started.
Ingvar Gråhök
Sand paper – abrasive material removal
We will discuss abrasive material removal, what ”grits” mean, how to use abrasive paper on different materials and for different effects, as well as trying some out.. There will be some work material provided, as well as a selection of sand papers, but attendees are encouraged to bring pieces of metal or wood with them.
Ingvar Gråhök
The computational underpinnings of tournament formats
We will look at a few common tournament formats, how they scale, and compare them with other ways of finding rankings (like sorting).
Alienor de Florentia
Different stitches doing voided work embroidery
There will be basic facts about ”voided embroidery”and examples of it. Linen and other supplies needed for learnig different stitches will be provided.
Aleydis van Vilvoorde
Bad girls can’t wear scarlet – Sexual deviance and sumptuary laws in medieval and early modern Scandinavia
This class discusses the links between Scandinavian sumptuary law and female sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early modern period. Scandinavia is also put in the wider European context and the class delves deep into perceptions of gender, respectability and class in medieval Europe.
Alfhild de Foxley
Brazilwood ink
Learn how to make red ink using brazilwood.
Elisabet Nilsdotter
Dance – Belfiore
Belfiore is a beautiful, flirty dance from 1500:th C written by Domenico. All level of dancers are welcome.
Lofnheiðr Halvarsdotter
Introduction to viking posament
We will look at the different finns of posament and learn rhe technique.
Elisabet Nilsdotter
Dance – Legiadra
A slow, elegant dance from 15:th C.
Katherina Mornewegh
Sleeves are friends
The trouble started when sleeves and armholes changed from a rectangular cut to something more tailored to give a good fit without restriction of movement. And today, many people hate sleeves or are afraid of them. However, this class will give you a tool with which you can construct whatever sleeve you need and make sleeves your friends.
Erik Skraem
Beer brewing for beginners
An introduction to how to brew beer. Recipes, brewing steps, ingredients and examples of beginner equipment.
SCA for beginners and those who have been around a while but still feel new sometimes
We will talk about how the SCA is organized, what the different groups are and how they relate to each other, what is a persona, crowns and coronets, titles, belts, awards, guilds, wars and more. I will have a rough plan of what to talk about but appreciate if you ask questions and that will largely steer what and how much we end up discussing different things.
Erasmus Dan digitus
Knifes the form and styles
We go through some construction types and the styles during the medieval period.
Easy ukulele
Her Majesty asked for it, here it is. In this class you will get to know some easy chords for ukulele, enough to perform at any feast or gathering. The ukulele is easy to learn, but – like any instrument – it will take a lifetime to master. This might be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
Þórólfr Blót-Úlfsson
So you wanna try court heraldry?
A starter course for those interested in trying out court heraldry. From getting asked to writing the report, and taking care of your voice in between.
Gele Pechplumin
Feastgear – tableware from 4 common eras in the SCA
Presenting tableware from 4 common eras the are usually portrayed in the SCA; Viking Age, 14th century, 15th century and 16th century. I’ll focus mainly on continental Europe north of the Alps.The focus is the general look of each period and how the styles changed and when. The center will be on drinking vessels, eating vessels and, jugs and cutlery. Lots of time for questions!
Anna de Byxe
An overview of gilding techniques, both period and modern.
Gilding is the art of adding gold to the surfade of different materials. In this class the focus is how to gild papper or parchment when making scrolls. i will give an overview of different gilding materials and techniques, both historical as well as modern alternatives. If there is time we will also discuss where to buy tools and materials.
Jorunn Svensdotter
Knitting for beginners
Learn the basics of knitting, including facts, tips and general knowledge.
The class will be held in Swedish or English, based on the attendants. B.Y.O – Bring your own! Already have needles and yarn? Excellent, bring it! If you don’t, I will bring some basics to use in the workshop for you to loan.
Vanna and Beatrix
Own the place! – Speaking in front of an audience
Everything you ever have wanted to know about speaking in front of an audience, but never had the nerve to ask. Tips and tricks how to become a better speaker at a court, as herald or at feast!
Vanna and Beatrix
Någonstans i Nordmark! eller ”Hur man gör något roligt av en pandemi.”
Någonstans i Nordmark is a podcast about life in the modern middle ages, mostly based around what happens in Nordmark. Vanna and Bea has made 70 episodes this far, and there might be at least 70 more to come. We’ll talk about why and how this pod came to be, and how it’s done. In English or Swedish depending on the audience.
Knut Torstensson
How to build equipment for fencing practice
I will show how to build equipment to help practice fencing alone
Gunilla Nilsdotter Tveuggla
A little workshop on identifying basic fabrics
We do practical tests on small swatches of fabric. Such as burn test and pulling of vet and dry thread
Getulio d’Amalfi
Introduction to Medieval Leather Sewing
What do boars, belts, pitch, and a board named Henry have to do with sewing leather? Everything! This class briefly covers archeological evidence for leather sewing techniques before transitioning into a hands-on workshop. The workshop covers making waxed ends and how to use them. Participants in the workshop should be ready to get sticky and dirty. Workshop materials limited to 10.
Erik Dalekarl
How to recreat a shoe from a picture
The class will be about my recreation of the Boringholm (Denmark) shoe from one picture to a pair of shoes
Siobhán inghean uí Liatháin
Finnish Bronze Spiral Cross-Shaped Figures
Participants will learn how to make a Finnish bronze spiral decoration that was found in a man’s grave in Luistari Finland. I will bring 10 kits. If a participant would like to take the kit home, it can be purchased for 50 SEK.
Unikankaren Annemarie
Gaming in the Middle Ages
We will give an Introduction into Games that were played during Middle Ages and finish off with a ’Show and play’ with 4 chosen Games (Tafl, 4 person Chess, Fox & Sheep, Tables).There is an opportunity to build and buy their own Sets, we bring some Materials with us. Practical participation at your own comfort level.
Silwa af Swaneholm
Parchment Tokens make and take (or give)
Learn how to make small parchment paintings and how to turn them into medallions/award tokens. There will be a fee of 3 euros per token/medallion. Want to skip the fee and contribute to the kingdom? Donate the token to the crown of Drachenwald for them to give away. More information about this will be given during class!
William Gifford
Principles of Ambience Armour Design
This class is aimed at – primarily newer – people who want to upgrade their armour to look more like the “real thing”. We will look at principles of design to create easily recognizable and identifiable hard kits and ideas on how to find solutions for implementing SCA anachronisms required for safety into geographically and time-wise consistent armour.
Kareina Talventytär
How Swedish Steatite Artefact Distribution Reflects Cultural Boundaries
Steatite, (or soapstone), the softest rock on earth, with the best heat capacity, was popular for cooking pots and more in Viking Age Scandinavia. There are 408 steatite artefacts in Swedish Museums’ online databases. Come see photos and maps showing what has been found where, from when and how their distribution pattern matches the cultural boundary that separates Norrland with southern Sweden.
Catherine Weaver
Pattern Design for Tablet Weaving
In this class we will use a simple grid to design drafts in a style that has become known as ”Coptic Diagonals/Coptic Diamonds”, as well as looking at the historical Egyptian band the style is based on. This class is especially suitable for those who haven’t tried designing before and produces drafts that can be woven by anyone who knows the basics of tablet weaving.