Kingdom University 2024
Nearest airport is Landvetter (Gothenburg), 42km from site. From there you can take a direct bus transfer to Göteborgs central. The last bus on Friday is at 8 pm. The earliest on Sunday is 3 am. Here is a link for the bus transfer
Public transport
Nearest bus stop is Sjöviks station Lerum and that is 1 km from site. You can get there one of two ways from Gothenburg either with bus GRÅS or take the local train Västtågen to Alingsås and get off at Lerum and there change to bus 525 Sjövik. The latest bus and train connection on Friday is at 23.02. The earliest bus and local train on Sunday morning is at 05.45 in the morning. Here is a link to the public transport
Pick ups are done from the bus station. Email: or call Matti at +46761695527
Sjöviksgården, Sörviksvägen 47, 443 45 Sjövik
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